Wills, Successions and Trusts
Far from being a morbid exercise, the process of preparing your wishes for the distribution of your property after you pass is an important process that can give you the confidence that your wishes and desires will be carried out. A will in Louisiana is can be done in a few steps and can be very simple or as complex as you need it to dispose of your property as you wish. In Louisiana, the requirements are very specific as to what constitutes a valid will and most online services and forms are not in the proper form to be valid. You should consult an attorney to get it right.
We also encourage our clients to prepare a living will. Whether done by an attorney or otherwise, a living will expresses your desires in no uncertain terms when you are unable to speak for yourself in a serious illness or condition. You can provide for such things as whether or not you will remain on life support and who can act as your representative in making those decisions.
After a person passes, the process of distributing assets is covered by succession law. Because of the complexities of distribution, the strong public policy in favor of the public records doctrine and forced heirship issues, you should consult an attorney to make sure that your will is prepared correctly. When one does not have a will, Louisiana law makes certain presumptions as to what would be the wishes of the deceased person. These wishes may, or may not, be what you want.
Whether after death or during lifetime, a trust can be a very valuable tool to protect or distribute your assets, especially is young children are involved.
Our office has experience in handling estates and preparing wills and trusts. We understand and care about your situation and will provide the best advice and compassion one can expect in such situations.